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Tea Studio Update

We're heading towards the tail end of 2020 and unfortunately, COVID-19 still continues to be a pain in the butt for all. There were promising signs here in Sydney a few months back when things began re-opening again but alas, fluctuations in cases up and down have meant that there's still a whole lot of uncertainty around what's safe and what isn't. Because of this, we've decided to try something new, making a few changes to our Enmore tea studio and how it's run.

Semi-closing the studio

The biggest news is that we are semi-closing our tea studio to the general public for the foreseeable future. What do we mean by semi-closed? In short, the doors won't be open for walk-ins. However, if you are in the area and want to come in for a tea session, whether it's a single tea session or a guided tea tasting, please let us know ahead of time via email or, DM us on Instagram or Facebook.

We'll have an open studio weekend once a month so that we can continue to share in person, our passion for tea with other tea lovers. 

The Teapository

Semi-closing our studio frees up a bit of time for us – time that we'll be using to change our studio setup so that it becomes more of a creative space for us to focus on creating tea-related content. Our Teapository YouTube channel has been a little neglected lately as we've been trying to juggle both shop and video production and for now, we'll be switching our focus from running a weekend tea shop to creating more content for The Teapository. 

We'll be trialling this new setup and focus for a little while, see where it takes us and will re-evaluate from there. We really appreciate all the love and support we've been getting from tea lovers out there and we hope to continue to bring great tea and tea content to you for a long time to come. Our website will still be up and running and you can always get your tea fix online.

Check out our range of Chinese teas

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